Showing posts with label enterprise applications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enterprise applications. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Delta Air Lines Improves Customer Self-Service Apps Quickly Using Quality Assurance Tools

Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast with Delta Air Lines development leaders on gaining visibility into application testing to improve customer self-service experience.

Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes/iPod and Download the transcript. Sponsor: HP.

Dana Gardner: Hello, and welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series, coming to you from the HP Software Universe 2010 Conference in Washington, D.C. We're here the week of June 14, 2010, to explore some major enterprise software and solutions trends and innovations making news across HP’s ecosystem of customers, partners, and developers.

I'm Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions and I'll be your host throughout this series of HP sponsored Software Universe Live discussions.

Our customer case study today focuses on Delta Air Lines and the use of HP quality assurance products for requirements management as well as mapping the test cases and moving into full production. We are here with David Moses, Manager of Quality Assurance for and its self service efforts. Thanks for joining us, David.

David Moses: Thank you, very much. Glad to be here.

Gardner: We're also here with John Bell, a Senior Test Engineer at Delta. Welcome John.

John Bell: Thank you.

Gardner: Tell me about the market drivers. What is the problem set when it comes to managing the development process around requirements and then quality and test out through your production? What are the problems that you're generally facing these days?

Moses: Generally, the airline industry, along with the lot of other industries I'm sure, is highly competitive. We have a very, very quick, fast-to-market type environment, where we've got to get products out to our customers. We have a lot of innovation that's being worked on in the industry and a lot of competing channels outside the airline industry that would also like to get at the same customer set. So, it's very important to be able to deliver the best products you can as quickly as possible. "Speed Wins" is our motto.

Gardner: What is it about the use of some of the quality assurance products that helps you pull off that dual trick of speed, but also reliability and high quality?

Moses: The one thing I really like about the HP Quality Center suite especially is that your entire software development cycle can live within that tool. Whenever you're using different tools to do different things, it becomes a little bit more difficult to get the data from one point to another. It becomes a little bit more difficult to pull reports and figure out where you can improve.

Data in one place

What you really want to do is get all your data in one place and Quality Center allows you to do that. We put our requirements in in the beginning. By having those in the system, we can then map to those with our test cases, after we build those in the testing phase.

Not only do we have the QA engineers working on it in Quality Center, we also have the business analysts working on it, whenever they're doing the requirements. That also helps the two groups work together a bit more closely.

Gardner: Do you have anything to add to that, John?

Bell: The one thing that's been very helpful is the way that the Quality Center tabs are set up. It allows us to follow a specific process, looking at the release level all the way down to the actual cycles, and that allows us to manage it.

It's very nice that Quality Center has it all tied into one unit. So, as we go through our processes, we're able to go from tab to tab and we know that all of that information is interconnected. We can ultimately trace a defect back to a specific cycle or a specific test case, all the way back to our requirement. So, the tool is very helpful in keeping all of the information in one area, while still maintaining the consistent process.

Gardner: Can you give us a sense of how much activity you process or how many applications there are -- the size of the workload you’ve got these days?

Bell: There is a lot. I look back to metrics we pulled for 2008. We were doing fewer than 70 projects. By 2009, after we had fully integrated Quality Center, we did over 129 projects. That also included a lot of extra work, which you may have heard about us doing related to a merger.

Gardner: With that increase in the number of applications that you're managing and dealing with, did you have any metrics in terms of the quality that you were able to manage, even though that volume increased so dramatically?

Moses: We were able to do that. That's one of the nice things. You can use your dashboard in Quality Center to pull those metrics up and see those reports. You can point out the projects that were your most troublesome children and look at the projects where you did really well.

Best-case scenario

You can go back and do a best-case scenario, and see what you did great and what you could improve. Having that view into it really helps. It’s also beneficial, whenever you have another project similar to one that was such an issue. You can have a heads up to say, "Okay, we need to treat this one differently this time."

Gardner: It’s the visibility to have repeatability when things go well, and, I suppose, visibility to avoid repeatability when things didn't go well.

Moses: Exactly.

Gardner: Let’s take a look at some of the innovation you've done. Tell me a bit about what you've worked with in terms of Quality Center in some of your own integration or tweaking?

Bell: One thing that we've been able to do with Quality Center is connect it with Quick Test Pro, and we do have Quality Center 10, as well as Quick Test Pro 10. We've been able to build our automation and store those in the Test Plan tab of Quality Center.

This has really been beneficial for us, when we go into our test labs and build our test set. We're able to take all of these automated pieces and combine them into test set. What this has allowed us to do is run all of our automation as one test set. We've been able to run those on a remote box. It's taken our regression test time from one person for five days, down to zero people and approximately an hour and 45 minutes.

Also, with the Test Lab tab, we're able to schedule these test sets to run during off hours. A lot of times our automation for things such as regression or sanity, can run on off hours. We schedule those to run at perhaps 6 o'clock in the morning. Then, when we come in at 8 o'clock in the morning, all of those tests would have already run.

That frees up our testers to be doing more of the manual functional testing and that allows us to know that we have complete coverage with the automation, as well as our sanity pieces. So, that's a unique way that we've used Quality Center to help manage that and to reduce our testing times by over 50 percent.

Gardner: Thank you, John. David, there have been some ways in which your larger goals as a business have been either improved upon or perhaps better aligned with the whole development process. I guess I'm looking for whether there is some payback here in terms of your larger business goals?

Moses: It definitely is. It goes back to speed to market with new functionality and making the customer's experience better. In all of our self-service products, it's very important that we test from the customers’ point of view.

We deliver those products that make it easier for them to use our services. That's one of the things that always sticks in my mind, when I'm at an airport, and I'm watching people use the kiosk. That's one of the things we do. We bring our people out to the airports and we watch our customers use our products, so we get that inside view of what's going on with them.

A lot on the line

I'll see people hesitantly reaching out to hit a button. Their hand may be shaking. It could be an elderly person. It could be a person with a lot on the line. Say it’s somebody taking their family on vacation. It's the only vacation they can afford to go on, and they’ve got a lot of investment into that flight to get there and also to get back home. Really there's a lot on the line for them.

A lot of people don’t know a lot about the airline industry and they don’t realize that it's okay if they hit the wrong button. It's really easy to start over. But, sometimes they would be literally shaking, when they reach out to hit the button. We want to make sure that they have a good comfort level. We want to make sure they have the best experience they could possibly have. And, the faster we can deliver products to them, that make that experience real for them, the better.

Gardner: I should think the whole notion of self service is usually important. It's important for the customer to be able to move through and do things their way, and I suppose there are some great cost savings and efficiencies on your end as well.

Dave, you could just highlight a little bit about how the whole notion of self service embedded into applications. It's important how some of the quality assurance tools and processes have helped there.

Moses: I go back to anytime you have to give up whenever you're having an issue with products, while you're online. You're on a website, and you have to call customer service. I think most people just sort of feel defeated at that point. People like to handle things themselves. You need a channel there for the customer to go to, if they need additional help.

So many clients and customers these days are so tech savvy. They know the industry they are in, and they know the tools they're working with, especially frequent flyers. I'd venture to say that most frequent flyers can hit the airport, check-in, get through security, and get to their plane really quickly. They just know their airports and they know everything they need to know about their flight, because this is where they live part of their lives.

You don't want to make them wait in line. You don't want to make them wait on a phone tree, when they make a phone call. You want them to be able to walk into the airport, hit a couple of buttons, get through security, and get to their gate.

By offering these types of products to the customers, you give them the best of both worlds. You give them a fast pass to check in. You give them a fast pass book. But, you can also give the less-experienced customer an easy-to-understand path to do what they need as well.

Gardner: And, to get those business benefits, those customer loyalty benefits, is really a function of good software development overall, isn't it?

Moses: Exactly. You have to give the customer the right tools that they want to get the job done for them.

Gardner: For other enterprises that are perhaps are going to be working towards a higher degree of quality in their software, but probably also interested in reducing the time to develop and time to value, do you have any suggestions, now that you’ve gone through this, that you might offer to them?

Interim approach

Bell: In using Quality Center, we've used an interim approach. Initially, we just used the Defects tab of Quality Center. Then, we slowly began to add the Requirements piece, and then Test Cases, and ultimately the Releases and Cycles.

One thing that we've found to be very beneficial with Quality Center is that it shows the development organization that this just isn't a QA tool that a QA team uses. What we've been able to do by bringing the requirements piece into it and by bringing the defects and other parts of it together, is bring the whole team on board to using a common tool.

In the past, a lot of people have always thought of Quality Centers as just a little tool that the QA people use in the corner and nobody else needs to be aware of. Now, we have our business analysts, project managers, and developers, as well as the QA team and even managers, because each person can get a different view of different information.

From Dashboard, your managers can look at your trends and what type of overall development lifecycle is coming through. Your project managers can be very involved in pulling the number of defects and see which ones are still outstanding and what the criticality of that is. The developers can be involved via entering information in on defects when those issues have been resolved?

We've found that Quality Center is actually a tool that has drawn together all of the teams. They're all using a common interface, and they all start to recognize the importance of tying all of this together, so that everyone can get a view as to what's going on throughout the whole lifecycle.

Moses: John hits on a really good point there. You have to realize the importance of it, and we did a long time ago. We've realized the importance of automating and we've realized the importance of having multiple groups using the same tool.

In all honesty, we were just miserable in our own history of trying to get those to work. You really take certain shots at it. For the past eight years, if we can go back that far, we've been using Quality Center tools for Test Director, just trying to get things automated, using the tools we had at the time.

The one thing that we never actually did was dedicate the resources. It's not just a tool. There are people there too. There are processes. There are concepts you're going to have to get in your head to get this to work, but you have to be willing to buy-in by having the people resources dedicated to building the test scripts. Then, you're not done. You've got to maintain them. That's where most people fall short and that's where we fell short for quite some time.

Once we were able to finally dedicate the people to the maintenance of these scripts to keep them active and running, that's where we got a win. If you look at a web site these days, it's following one of two models. You either have a release schedule, that’s a more static site, or you have a highly dynamic site that's always changing and always throwing out improvements.

We fit into that "Speed Wins," when we get the product out for the customers’ trading, and improve the experience as often as possible. So, we’re a highly dynamic site. We'll break up to 20 percent of all of our test scripts, all of our automated test scripts, every week. That's a lot of maintenance, even though we're using a lot of reusable code. You have to have those resources dedicated to keep that going.

Gardner: Well, I appreciate your time. We've been talking about the quality assurance process and the use of some HP tools. We've been learning about experiences from Delta Air Lines development executives. I want to thank our guests today, David Moses, Manager of Quality Assurance for in the self-service function there. Thank you, David.

Moses: Thank you, very much.

Gardner: We've also been joined by John Bell, Senior Test Engineer there at Delta Air Lines. Thanks to you too, John.

Bell: It's been a pleasure.

Gardner: And, thanks to our audience for joining us for this special BriefingsDirect podcast coming to you from the HP Software Universe 2010 conference in Washington, DC.

Look for other podcasts from this HP event on the website, as well as via the BriefingsDirect Network.

I'm Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, your host for this series of Software Universe Live Discussions. Thanks again for listening, and come back next time.

Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes/iPod and Download the transcript. Sponsor: HP.

Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast with Delta Air Lines development leaders on gaining visibility into application testing to improve customer self-service experience. Copyright Interarbor Solutions, LLC, 2005-2010. All rights reserved.

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McKesson Shows Bringing Testing Tools on the Road Improves Speed to Market and Customer Satisfaction

Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast from the HP Software Universe 2010 Conference in Washington, DC on field-testing software installations using HP Performance Center products.

Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes/iPod and Download the transcript. Sponsor: HP.

Dana Gardner: Hello, and welcome to a special BriefingsDirect podcast series, coming to you from the HP Software Universe 2010 Conference in Washington, D.C. We're here the week of June 14, 2010, to explore some major enterprise software and solutions trends and innovations making news across HP’s ecosystem of customers, partners, and developers.

I'm Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, and I'll be your host throughout this series of HP sponsored Software Universe Live discussions.

Our customer case-study today focuses on McKesson Corp., a provider of certified healthcare information technology, including electronic health records, medical billing, and claims management software. McKesson is a user of HP’s project-based performance testing products used to make sure that applications perform in the field as intended throughout their lifecycle.

To learn more about McKesson’s innovative use of quality assurance software, please join me in welcoming Todd Eaton, Director of Application Lifecycle Management Tools in the CTO’s office at McKesson. Welcome to the show, Todd.

Todd Eaton: Thank you.

Gardner: Todd, tell me a little bit about what's going on in the market that is making the performance-based testing, particularly onsite, such an important issue for you.

Eaton: Well, looking at McKesson’s businesses, one of the things that we do is provide software for sale for various healthcare providers. With the current federal government regulations that are coming out and some of these newer initiatives that are planned by the federal government, these providers are looking for tools to help them do better healthcare throughout their enterprises.

With that in mind, they're looking to add functionality, they're looking to add systems, and they look to McKesson, as the leader in healthcare, to provide those solutions for them. With that in mind, our group works with the various R&D organizations within McKesson, to help them develop software for the needs of those customers.

Gardner: And what is it about performance-based testing that is so important now. We've certainly had lots of opportunity to trial things in labs and create testbeds. What is it about the real-world delivery that's important?

Eaton: It's one thing that we can test within McKesson. It's another thing when you test out at the customer site, and that's a main driver of this new innovation that we’re partnering up with HP.

When we build an application and sell that to our customers, they can take that application, bring it into their own ecosystem, into their own data center and install it onto their own hardware.

Controlled testing

The testing that we do in our labs is a little more controlled. We have access to HP and other vendors with their state-of-the-art equipment. We come up with our own set of standards, but when they go out to the site and get put in to those hospitals, we want to ensure that our applications act at the same speed and same performance at their site that we experience in our controlled environment. So, being able to test on their equipment is very important for us.

Gardner: And it's I suppose difficult for you to anticipate exactly what you're going to encounter, until you're actually in that data center?

Eaton: Exactly. Just knowing how many different healthcare providers there are out there, you could imagine all the different hardware platforms, different infrastructures, and the needs or infrastructure items that they may have in their data centers.

Gardner: This isn’t just a function of getting set up, but there's a whole life-cycle of updates, patches, improvements, and increased functionality across the application set. Is this something that you can do over a period of time?

Eaton: Yes, and another very important thing is using their data. The hospitals themselves will have copies of their production data sets that they keep control of. There are strict regulations. That kind of data cannot leave their premises. Being able to test using the large amount of data or the large volume of data that they will have onsite is very crucial to testing our applications.

Gardner: Todd, tell me the story behind gaining this capability of that performance-based testing onsite -- how did you approach it, how long has it been in the making, and maybe a little bit about what you’re encountering?

Eaton: When we started out, we had some discussion with some of the R&D groups internally about our performance testing. My group actually provides a performance-testing service. We go out to the various groups, and we’re doing the testing.

We always look to find out what we can do better. We’re always doing lesson learns and things like that and talking with these various groups. We found that, even though we did a very good job of doing performance testings internally, we were still finding defects and performance issues out at the site, when we brought that software out and installed it in the customer’s data center.

After further investigation, it became apparent to us that we weren’t able to replicate all those different environments in our data center. It’s just too big of a task.

The next logical thing to do was to take the testing capabilities that we had and bring it all out on the road. We have these different services teams that go out to install software. We could go along with them and bring the powerful tools that we use with HP into those data centers and do the exact same testing that we did, and make sure that our applications were running as expected on their environments.

Gardner: Getting it right the first time is always one of the most important things for any business activity. Any kind of failure along the way is always going to cost more and perhaps even jeopardize the relationship with the customer.

Speed to market

Eaton: Yeah, it jeopardizes the relationship with the customer, but one of the things that we also drive is speed to market. We want to make sure that our solutions get out there as fast as possible, so that we can help those providers and those healthcare entities in giving the best patient care that they can.

Gardner: What was the biggest hurdle in being able to, as you say, bring the testing capability out to the field. What were some of the hang-ups in order to accomplish that?

Eaton: Well, the tool that we use primarily within McKesson is Performance Center, and Performance Center is an enterprise-based application. It’s usually kept where we have multiple controllers, and we have multiple groups using those, but it resides within our network.

So, the biggest hurdle was how to take that powerful tool and bring it out to these sites? So, we went back to our HP rep, and said, "Here’s our challenge. This is what we’ve got. We don’t really see anything where you have an offering in that space. What can you do for us?"

Gardner: How far and wide have you been able to accomplish this? Are you doing it in terms of numbers of facilities, in what kind of organizations?

Eaton: Right now we have it across the board in multiple applications. McKesson develops numerous applications in the healthcare space, and we’ve used those across the board. Currently, we have two engagements going on simultaneously with two different hospitals, testing two different groups of applications, and even the application themselves.

I’ve got one site that’s using it for 26 different applications and other that’s using it for five. We’ve got two teams going out there, one from my group and one from one of the internal R&D groups that are assisting the customer and testing the applications on their equipment.

Gardner: From these experiences so far, are there metrics of success, paybacks, not only for you and McKesson, but also for the providers that you service?

Eaton: The first couple of times we did this, we found that we were able to reduce the performance defects dramatically. We’re talking something like 40-50 percent right off the bat. Some of the timing that we had experienced internally seemed to be fine, well within SLAs. But as soon as I got out to a site and onto different hardware configurations, it took some application tuning to get it down. We were finding 90 percent increases with our help of continual testing and performance tweaks.

Items like that are just so powerful, when you are bringing that out to the various customer, and can say, "If you engage us, and we can do this testing for you, we can make sure that those applications will run in the way that you want them to."

Gardner: How about for your development efficiency? Are you learning some lessons on the road that you wouldn’t have had before that you can now bring into the next rep. Is there a feedback loop of sorts?

Powerful feedback

Eaton: Yes. It’s a pretty powerful one back to our R&D groups, because getting back to that data scenario, the volume and types of data that the customers have can be unexpected. The way customers use systems, while it works perfectly fine, is not one of the use cases that is normally found in some applications, and you get different results.

So, finding them out in the field and then being able to bring those back to our R&D groups and say, "This is what we’re seeing out in the field and this is how people are using it," gives them a better insight and makes them able to modify their code to fit those use cases better.

Gardner: Todd, is there any advice that you would give to those considering doing this, that is to say, taking their performance testing out on the road, closer to the actual site where these applications are going to reside?

Eaton: The main one is to work with your HP rep on what they have available for this. We took a product that everybody is familiar with, LoadRunner, and tweaked it so it became portable. The HP reps know a lot more about how they packaged that up and what’s best for different customers based on their needs. Working with a rep would be a big help in trying to roll this out to various groups.

Gardner: Okay, great. We’ve been learning about how McKesson is bringing performance-based testing products out to their customers’ locations and gaining a feedback capability as well as reducing time to market and making the quality of those applications near 100 percent right from the start.

I want to thank our guest. We’ve been joined by Todd Eaton, Director of Application Lifecycle Management Tools in the CTO’s office at McKesson. Thank you so much Todd.

Eaton: You’re welcome. Nice talking to you.

Gardner: And, thanks to our audience for joining us for this special BriefingsDirect podcast, coming to you from the HP Software Universe 2010 Conference in Washington, DC.

Look for other podcasts from this HP event on the website under HP Software Universe Live podcast, as well as through the BriefingsDirect Network.

I’m Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions, your host and moderator for this series of HP-sponsored Software Universe Live Discussions. Thanks for listening, and come back next time.

Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes/iPod and Download the transcript. Sponsor: HP.

Transcript of a BriefingsDirect podcast from the HP Software Universe 2010 Conference in Washington, DC on field-testing software installations using HP Performance Center products. Copyright Interarbor Solutions, LLC, 2005-2010. All rights reserved.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Separating Core from Context Brings High Returns in Legacy Application Transformation

Transcript of the second in a series of sponsored BriefingsDirect podcasts on the rationale and strategies for application transformation.

Listen to the podcast. Find it on iTunes/iPod and Download the transcript. Learn more. Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard.

Gain more insights into "Application Transformation: Getting to the Bottom Line" via a series of HP virtual conferences Nov. 3-5. For more on Application Transformation, and to get real time answers to your questions, register to the virtual conferences for your region:
Register here to attend the Asia Pacific event on Nov. 3.
Register here to attend the EMEA event on Nov. 4.
Register here to attend the Americas event on Nov. 5.

Dana Gardner: Hi, this is Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions, and you’re listening to BriefingsDirect.

Today, we present a sponsored podcast discussion on separating core from context, when it comes to legacy enterprise applications and their modernization processes. As enterprises seek to cut their total IT costs, they need to identify what legacy assets are working for them and carrying their own weight, and which ones are merely hitching a high cost -- but largely unnecessary -- ride.

The widening cost-in-productivity division exists between older, hand-coded software assets, supported by aging systems, and replacement technologies on newer, more efficient standards-based systems. Somewhere in the mix, there are core legacy assets distinct from so-called contextal assets. There are peripheral legacy processes and tools that are costly vestiges of bygone architectures. There is legacy wheat and legacy chaff.

Today we need to identify productivity-enhancing resources and learn how to preserve and modernize them -- while also identifying and replacing the baggage or chaff. The goal is to find the most efficient and low-cost means to support them both, through up-to-date data-center architecture and off-the-shelf components and services.

This podcast is the second in a series of three to examine Application Transformation: Getting to the Bottom Line. We will discuss the rationale and likely returns from assessing the true role and character of legacy applications and their actual costs. The podcast, incidentally, runs in conjunction with some Hewlett-Packard (HP) webinars and virtual conferences on the same subject.

Register here to attend the Asia Pacific event on Nov. 3. Register here to attend the EMEA event on Nov. 4. Register here to attend the Americas event on Nov. 5.

With us to delve deeper into the low cost, high reward transformation of legacy enterprise applications is Steve Woods, distinguished software engineer at HP. Hello, Steve.

Steve Woods: Hello. How are you doing?

Gardner: Good. We are also joined by Paul Evans, worldwide marketing lead on Applications Transformation at HP. Hello, Paul.

Paul Evans: Hello, Dana. Thank you.

Gardner: We talked in the earlier podcast in our series, a case study, about transformation and why that's important through the example of a very large education organization in Italy and what they found. We looked at how this can work very strategically and with great economic benefit, but I think now we are trying to get into a bit more of the how.

Tell us a little bit, Paul, about what the stakes are. Why is it so important to do this now?

Evans: In a way, this podcast is about two types of IT assets. You talked before about core and context. That whole approach to classifying business processes and their associated applications was invented by Geoffrey Moore, who wrote Crossing the Chasm, Inside the Tornado, etc.

He came up with this notion of core and context applications. Core being those that provide the true innovation and differentiation for an organization. Those are the ones that keep your customers. Those are the ones that improve the service levels. Those are the ones that generate your money. They are really important, which is why they're called "core."

Lower cost

The "context" applications were not less important, but they are more for productivity. You should be looking to understand how that could be done in terms of lower cost provisioning. When these applications were invented to provide the core capabilities, it was 5, 10, 15, or 20 years ago. What we have to understand is that what was core 10 years ago may not be core anymore. There are ways of effectively doing it at a much different price point.

As Moore points out, organizations should be looking to build "core," because that is the unique intellectual property of the organization, and to then buy "context." They need to understand, how do I get the lowest-cost provision of something that doesn't make a huge difference to my product or service, but I need it anyway.

An human resources system may not be something that you are going to build your business model on, but you need one. You need to be able to service your employees and all the things they need. But, you need to do that at the lowest-cost provision. As time has gone on, this demarcation between core and context has gotten really confused.

As you said, we're putting together a series of events, and Moore will be the keynote speaker on these events. So, we will elucidate more around core and context.

The other speaker at the event is also an inventor, this time from inside HP, Steve Woods. Steve has taken this notion of core and context and has teamed it with some extremely exciting technology and very innovative thinking to develop some unique tools that we use inside the services from HP, which allow us then really to dive into this. That's going to be one of the sessions that we're also going to be delivering on this series of events.

Gardner: Okay, Steve Woods, we can use a lot of different terms here, "core and context," "wheat and chaff." I thought another metaphor would be "baby and bathwater." What happens is that it's difficult to separate the good from the potentially wasteful in the legacy inventory.

I think this has caused people to resist modernizing. They have resisted tinkering with legacy installations in the past. Why are they willing to do it now? Why the heightened interest at this time?

Woods: A good deal of it has to do with the pain that they're going through. We have had customers who had assessments with us before, as much as a year ago, and now they're coming back and saying they want to get started and actually do something. So, a good deal of the interest is caused by the need to drive down costs.

Also, there's the realization that a lot of these tools -- extract, transform, and load (ETL) tools, enterprise application integration (EAI) tools, reporting, and business process management (BPM) -- are proving themselves now. We can't say that there is a risk in going to these tools. They realize that the strength of these tools is that they bring a lot of agility, solve skill sets issues, and make you much more responsive to the business needs of the organization.

Gardner: This definition of core, as Paul said, is changing over time and also varies greatly from organization to organization. Is there no one size fits all approach to this?

Context not code

Woods: I don't think there really is a one size fits all, but as we use our tools to analyze code, we find sometimes as much as 65 percent or more of an application could really not be core. It could just be context.

As we make these discoveries, we find that in the organization there are political battles to be fought. When you identify these elements that are not core and that could be moved out of handwritten code, you're transferring power from the developers -- say, of COBOL -- to the users of the more modern tools, like the BPM tools.

So there is always an issue. What we try to do, when we present our findings, is to be very objective. You can't argue that we found that 65 percent of the application is not doing core. You can then focus the conversation on something more productive. What do we do with this? The worst thing you could possibly do is take a million lines of COBOL that's generating reports and rewrite that in Java or C# hard-written code.

We take the concept of core versus context not just to a possible off-the-shelf application, but at architectural component level. In many cases, we find that this is helpful for them to identify legacy code that could be moved very incrementally to these new architectures.

Gardner: What's been the holdup? What's difficult? You did mention politics, and we will get into that later, but what's been the roadblock from perspective of these tools? Why has that been decreasing in terms of the ability to automate and manage these large projects?

Woods: A typical COBOL application -- this is true of all legacy code, but particularly mainframe legacy code -- can be as much as 5, 10, or 15 million lines of code. I think the sheer idea of the size of the application is an impediment. There is some sort of inertia there. An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and it's been at rest for years, sometimes 30 years.

So, the biggest impediment is the belief that it's just too big and complex to move and it's even too big and complex to understand. Our approach is a very lightweight process, where we go in and answer to a lot of questions, remove a lot of uncertainty, and give them some very powerful visualizations and understanding of the source code and what their options are.

Gardner: So, as we've progressed in terms of the tools, the automation, and the ability to handle large sets of code, the inertia also involves the nontechnical aspects. What do we mean by politics? Are there fiefdoms? Are there territories? Is this strictly a traditional kind of human nature thing? Perhaps you could help us understanding that a bit better.

Doing things efficiently

Woods: Organizations that we go in have not been living in a vacuum, so many of have been doing greenfield development; when they start out to say they need a system that does primarily reporting, or a system that does primarily data integration. In most organizations those fiefdoms, if you will, have grown pretty robust, and they will continue to grow. The realization is that they actually can do those things quite efficiently.

When you go to the legacy side of the house, you start finding that 65 percent of this application is just doing ETL. It's just parsing files and putting them into databases. Why don't you replace that with a tool? The big resistance there is that, if we replace it with a tool, then the people who are maintaining the application right now are either going to have to learn that tool or they're not going to have a job.

So, there's a lot of resistance in the sense that we don't want to lose anymore ground to the target architecture fiefdom, so we are going to not identify this application as having so many elements of context functionality. Our process, in a very objective way, just says that these are the percentages that we're finding. We'll show you the code, you can agree or disagree that's what it is doing, and then let's make decisions based upon those facts.

If we get the facts on the table, particularly visually, then we find that we get a lot of consensus. It may be partial consensus, but it's consensus nonetheless, and we open up the possibilities and different options, rather than just continuing to move through with hand-written code.

If you look at this whole core-context thing, at the moment, organizations are still in survival mode.

Gardner: Paul, you've mentioned in the past that we've moved from the nice-to-have to the must-have, when it comes to legacy applications transformation and modernization. The economy has changed things in many respects, of course, but it seems as if the lean IT goal is no longer something that's a vision. It's really moved up the pecking order or the hierarchy of priorities.

Is this perhaps something that's going to impact this political logjam? Are other organizations and business and financial outcome folks, who are just going to steamroll these political issues?

Evans: Well, I totally think so, and it's happening already. If you look at this whole core-context thing, at the moment, organizations are still in survival mode. Money is still tight in terms of consumer spending. Money is still tight in terms of company spending. Therefore, you're in this position where keeping your customers or trying to get new customers is absolutely fundamental for staying alive. And, you do that by improving service levels, improving your services, and improving your product.

If you stay still and say, "Well, we'll just glide for the next 6 to 12 months and keep our fingers crossed," you're going to be in deep trouble. A lot of people are trying to understand how to use the newer technologies, whether it's things like Web 2.0 or social networking tools, to maintain that customer outreach.

Those of us who went to the business school, marketing school remember -- it takes $10 to get a customer into your store, but it only takes $1 to keep them coming back. People are now worrying about those dollars. How much do we have to spend to keep our customer base?

Therefore, the line-of-business people are now pushing on technology and saying, "You can't back off. You can't not give us what we want. We have to have this ability to innovate and differentiate, because that way we will keep our customers and we will keep this organization alive."

Public and private sectors

That applies equally to the public and private sectors. The public sector organizations have this mandate of improving service, whether it's in healthcare, insurance, tax, or whatever. So all of these commitments are being made and people have to deliver on them, albeit that the money, the IT budget behind it, is shrinking or has shrunk.

So, the challenge here is, "Last year I ran my IT department on my theoretical $100. I spent $80 on keeping things going, and $20 on improving things." That was never enough for the line-of-business manager. They will say, "I want to make a change. I want it now, or I want it next week. I don't want it in six months time. So explain to me how you are going to do that."

That was tough a year ago, but the problem now is that your $100 IT budget is now $80. Now, it's a bit of a challenge, because now all the money you have got you are going to spend on keeping the old stuff alive. I don't think the line-of-business managers, or whoever they are, are going to sit back and say, "That's okay. That's okay. We don't mind." They're going to come and say that they expect you to innovate more.

This goes back to what Steve was talking about, what we talked about, and what Moore will raise in the event, which is to understand what drives your company. Understand the values, the differentiation, and the innovations that you want and put your money on those and then find a way of dramatically reducing the amount of money you spend on the contextual stuff, which is pure productivity.

The point of the tools is that they allow us to see the code. They allow us to understand what's good and bad and to make very clear, rational, and logical decision.

Steve's tools are probably the best thing out there today that highlight to an organization, "You don't need this in handwritten code. You could put this to a low cost package, running on a low cost environment, as opposed to running it in COBOL on a mainframe." That's how people save money and that's how we've seen people get, as we have talked earlier, a return on investment (ROI) of 18 months or less.

So it is possible, it can be done, and it's definitely not as difficult as people think. The point of the tools is that they allow us to see the code. They allow us to understand what's good and bad and to make very clear, rational, and logical decision.

Gardner: Steve Woods, we spoke earlier about how the core assets are going to be variable from organization to organization, but are there some common themes with the contextual services? We certainly see a lot of very low-cost alternatives now creeping up through software as a service (SaaS), cloud-based, outsourced, mix-sourced, co-located, and lots of different options. Is there some common theme now among what is not core that organizations need to consider?

Woods: Absolutely. One of the things that we do find, when we're brought in to look at legacy applications, is that by virtue of the fact that they are still around, the applications have resisted all the waves of innovation that have preceded. Sometimes, they tend to be of a very definite nature.

A number of them tend to be big data hubs. One of the first things we ask is for the architectural topology diagram, if they have it, or we just draw it on a whiteboard,, they tend to be big spiders. There tends to be a central hub database and you see that they start drawing all these different lines to other different systems within the organization.

The things that have been left behind -- this is the good news -- tend to be the very things that are very amenable for moving to modern architecture in a very incremental way. It's not unusual to find 50-65 percent of an application is just doing ETL functionality.

A good thing

The real benefit to that -- and this is particularly true in a tough economy -- is that if I can identify 65 percent of the application that's just doing data integration, and I create or I have already established the data integration center of excellence within the organization, already have those technologies, or implement those technologies, then I can incrementally start moving that functionality over to the new architecture. When I say incrementally, that's a good thing, because that's beneficial in two ways.

It reduces my risk, because I am doing it a step at a time. It also produces a much better ROI, because the return on the incremental improvement is going to be trickling over time, rather than waiting for 18 months or two years for some big bang type of improvement. Identifying this context code can give you a lot of incremental ROI opportunities, and make you a much more solid IT investment decision picture.

Gardner: So, one of these innovations that's taken place for the past several years is the move towards more distributed data, hosting that data on lower-cost storage architectures, and virtualizing behind the database or the storage itself. That can reduce cost dramatically.

Woods: Absolutely. One of the things that we feel is that decentralizing the architecture improves your efficiency and your redundancy. There is much more opportunity for building a solid, maintainable architecture than there would be if you kept a sort of monolithic approach that's typical on the mainframe.

Gardner: Once we've done this exercise, variable as it may be from organization to organization, separating the core from the non-core, what comes next? What's the next step that typically happens as this transformation and modernization of legacy assets unfolds?

So, if you accept the premise of moving context code to componentized architecture, then the next thing you should be looking for is where is the clone code and how is it arranged?

Woods: That's a very good question. It's really important to understand this leap in logic here. If I accept the notion that a majority of the code in a legacy application can be moved to these model driven architectures, such as BPM and ETL tools, the next premise is, "If I go out and buy these tools, a lot of functionality is provided with these tools right out of the box. It's going to give me my monitoring code, my management code, and in many cases, even some of the testing capabilities are sort of baked into the product."

If that's true, then the next leap of logic is that in my 1.5 million lines of COBOL or my five million lines of COBOL there is a lot of code that's irrelevant, because it's performing management, monitoring, logging, tracing, and testing. If that's true, I need to know where it's at.

The way you find where it's at is identifying the duplicate source code, what we call clone code. Because when you find the clone code, in most cases, it's a superset of that code that's no longer relevant, if you are making this transformation from handwritten code to a model-driven architecture.

What I created at HP is a tool, an algorithm, that can go into any language legacy code and find the duplicate code, and not only find it, but visualize it in very compelling ways. That helps us drill down to identify what I call the unintended design. When we find these unintended designs, they lead us to ask very critical questions that are paramount to understanding how to design the transformation strategy.

So, if you accept the premise of moving context code to componentized architecture, then the next thing you should be looking for is where is the clone code and how is it arranged?

Gardner: Do we have any examples of how this has worked in practice? Are there use cases or an actual organization that you are familiar with? What have been some of the results of going through this process? How long did it take? What did they save? What were the business outcomes?

Viewing the application

Woods: We've often worked with financial services companies and insurance companies, and we have just recently worked with one that gave us an application that was around 1.2 or 1.5 million lines of code. They said, "Here is our application," and they gave us the source code. When we looked into the source code, we found that there were actually four applications, if you looked at just the way the code was structured, which was good news, because it gives us a way of breaking down the functionality.

In this one organization, we found that a high percentage of that code was really just taking files, as I said before, unbundling those files, parsing them, and putting them into databases. So they have kind of let that be the tip of the spear. They said, "That's our start point," because they're often asking themselves where to start.

When you take handwritten code and move it to an ETL tool, there's ample industry evidence that a typical ROI over the course of four years can be between 150 percent and 450 percent improvement in efficiencies. That's just the magic of taking all this difficult-to-maintain spaghetti code and moving it to a very visually oriented tool that gives you much more agility and allows you to respond to changes in the business and the business' needs much more quickly and with skill sets that are readily available.

Gardner: You know, Paul, I've heard a little different story from some of the actual suppliers of legacy systems. A lot of times they say that the last thing you want to do is start monkeying around with the code. What you really want to do is pull it off of an old piece of hardware and put it on a new piece of hardware, perhaps with a virtualization layer involved as well. Why is that not the right way to go?

Evans: Now you've put me in an interesting position. I suppose our view is that there are different strategies. We don't profess one strategy to help people transform or modernize their apps. The first thing they have to do is understand them, and that's what Steve's tools do.

The point is that we don't have a preconceived view of what this thing should run on. That's one thing. We're not wedded to one architectural style.

It is possible to take an approach that says that all we need to do is provide more horsepower. Somebody comes along and says, "Hey, transaction rates are dropping. Users are getting upset because an ATM transaction is taking a minute, when it should take 15 seconds. Surely all we need to do is just give the thing more horsepower and the problem goes away."

I would say the problem goes away -- for 12 months, maybe, or if you're lucky 18 -- but you haven't actually fixed the problem. You've just treated the symptoms.

At HP, we're not wedded to one style of computer architecture as the hub of what we do. We look at the customer requirement. Do we have systems that are equal in performance, if not greater, than a mainframe? Yeah, you bet we do. Our Superdome systems are like that. Are they the same price? No, they are considerably less. Do we have blades, PCs, and normal distributed service? Yeah.

The point is that we don't have a preconceived view of what this thing should run on. That's one thing. We're not wedded to one architectural style. We look at the customer's requirements and then we understand what's necessary in terms of the throughput TP rates or whatever it may be.

So, there is obviously an approach that people can say, "Don't jig around." It's very easy to inject fear into this and just say to put more power underneath it, don't touch the code, and life will be wonderful. We're totally against that approach, but it doesn't mean that one of our strategies is not re-hosting. There are organizations whose applications would benefit from that.

We still believe that can be done on relatively inexpensive hardware. We can re-host an application by keeping the business logic the same, keeping the language the same, but moving it from an expensive system to a less expensive system.

Freeing up cash

People use that strategy to free up cash very quickly. It's one of the fastest ROIs we have, and they are beginning to save instantly. They make the decision that says, "We need to put that money back in the bank, because we need to do that to keep our shareholders happy." Or, they can reinvest that into their next modernization project, and then they're on an upward spiral.

There are approaches to everything, which is why we have seven different strategies for modernization to suit the customer's requirement, but I think the view of just putting more horsepower underneath, closing your eyes, and hoping is not the way forward.

Gardner: Steve, do you have anything more to add to that, treating the symptom rather than the real issues?

Woods: As Paul said, if you treat this as a symptom, we refer to that as a short-term strategy, just to save money to reinvest into the business.

The only thing I would really add to that is that the problem is sometimes not nearly as big as it seems. If you look at the analogy of the clone codes that we find, and all the different areas that we can look at the code and say that it may not be as relevant to a transformation process as you think it is.

The subject matter experts and the stakeholders very slowly start to understand that this is actually possible. It's not as big as we thought.

I do this presentation called "Honey I Shrunk the Mainframe." If you start looking at these different aspects between the clone code and what I call the asymmetrical transformation from handwritten code to model driven architecture, you start looking at these different things. You start really seeing it.

We see this, when we go in to do the workshops. The subject matter experts and the stakeholders very slowly start to understand that this is actually possible. It's not as big as we thought. There are ways to transform it that we didn't realize, and we can do this incrementally. We don't have to do it all at once.

Once we start having those conversations, those who might have been arguing for a re-host suddenly realize that rearchitecting is not as difficult as they think, particularly if you do it asymmetrically. Maybe they should reconsider the re-host and consider going to those context-core concept and start moving the context to these well-proven platforms, such as the ETL tools, the reporting tools, and service-oriented architecture (SOA).

Gardner: Steve, tell us a little bit about how other folks can learn more about this, and then give us a sneak peek or preview into what you are going to be discussing at the upcoming virtual event.

Woods: That's one of the things that we have been talking about -- our tools called the Visual Intelligence Tools. It's a shame you can't see me, because I'm gesturing with my hands as I talk, and If I had the visuals in front of me, I would be pointing to them. This is something to really appreciate -- the images that we give to our customers when we do the analysis. You really have to see it with your own eyes.

We are going to be doing a virtual event on November 3, 4, and 5, and during this you will hear some of the same things I've been talking about, but you will hear them as I'm actually using the tools and showing you what's going to happen with those tools, what those images look like, and why they are meaningful to designing a transformation strategy.

Gardner: Very good. We've been learning more about Application Transformation: Getting to the Bottom Line, and we have been able to separate core from context, and appreciate better how that's an intriguing strategy for approaching this legacy modernization problem and begin to enjoy much greater economic and business benefits as a result.

Helping us weave through this has been Steve Woods, distinguished software engineer at HP. Thanks for your input, Steve.

Woods: Thank you.

Gardner: We've also been joined by Paul Evans, worldwide marketing lead on Applications Transformation at HP. Paul, you are becoming a regular on our show.

Evans: Oh, I'm sorry. I hope I am not getting too repetitive.

Gardner: Not at all. Thanks again for your input.

This is Dana Gardner, principal analyst at Interarbor Solutions. You've been listening to a sponsored BriefingsDirect podcast. Thanks for listening, and come back next time.

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Gain more insights into "Application Transformation: Getting to the Bottom Line" via a series of HP virtual conferences Nov. 3-5. For more on Application Transformation, and to get real time answers to your questions, register to the virtual conferences for your region:
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Transcript of the second in a series of sponsored BriefingsDirect podcasts on the rationale and strategies for application transformation. Copyright Interarbor Solutions, LLC, 2005-2009. All rights reserved.